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The Hillcart tales offer


New Beginnings

A cup of tea is the best part of everyone’s morning routine. Morning tea has the potential to set the tone for the rest of yourday. Our Darjeeling Muscatel and Oriental Green blends provide the perfect boost of energy to help you rise and shine.

21 Muslin Tea Bags

  • Price:   ₹ 770


About This Combo

Known for its unique brightness, Darjeeling Muscatel is notably brisk. It is highly aromatic along with floral and spice flavours that make this copper-coloured liquor a perfect tea connoisseur's classic.Oriental Green is a rich bountiful blend possessing sweet and savoury notes with a golden brown tint. Very light green in a cup, this tea from Taiwan is delicately creamy and balances spicy tones with a refreshingly sweet aftertaste.

catalog/Tea Combos/Darjeeling_Muscatel_Top.png

Nutritional Information

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